Home Resources Yandex Images: How to Find Similar People for Free on the Website

Yandex Images: How to Find Similar People for Free on the Website

You can find similar people using Yandex Images. The Russian search engine can perform reverse image searches with artificial intelligence (AI) and, with this, can find similar photos and profiles of similar people on social networks in a few seconds. The tool also allows the user to find images and videos in different formats, definitions and formats. In this complete tutorial, discover how Yandex Images works, find out if it is safe to upload images to the platform, as well as a step-by-step guide to finding lookalikes using the tool.

What is Yandex Images? What are the platform features?

Yandex is a search engine similar to Google that allows users to search for text, photos, videos and maps. One of the platform’s strengths is the image search section, where you can find a vast catalog with popular searches. Furthermore, the platform allows you to upload a photo to search for similar images, a feature often used by those who want to search for similar people. This search uses artificial intelligence to identify patterns, shapes and colors to improve its accuracy and efficiency and present relevant results.

Is it safe to upload your own images to Yandex?

Before uploading your own image to Yandex Images, it is important that the user carefully reads the platform’s terms of service. The rules indicate that any information, photo or video sent to the search engine can be used freely by Yandex, partners or any of its users. Therefore, if you do not agree with this, the recommendation is not to upload a personal photo to the website.

However, if the user is the owner of the intellectual property of a content, it is possible to make a formal complaint to have the content removed from the platform through the link “https://yandex.com/support/copyright-complaint/” .

How to find people who look like me on Yandex Images

Step 1. Access the Yandex image search using the link “https://yandex.com/images/?utm_source=yandex&utm_medium=com&utm_campaign=morda” and click on the camera icon located in the search bar;

How to find people who look like me on Yandex Images

Step 2. Upload the photo by dragging the file to the indicated area or click on “Select file” to choose a file from your device;

How to find people who look like me on Yandex Images

Step 3. After searching, click on “similar images” to see similar photos;

How to find people who look like me on Yandex Images

Step 4. By clicking on “sites”, you can find social media profiles of similar people.

Twin Strangers x Yandex Images: which is the most efficient?

Both platforms are efficient for searching for similar people, but they have very different proposals. Twin Stranger works more like a social network, which aims to connect “look-alikes” around the world. The tool uses AI to perform user facial recognition and suggests people registered on the platform who are physically similar. Then, you can contact your “twin” to start a friendship.

Yandex, on the other hand, is a search engine, just like Google. Since its reverse image search is quite accurate, the platform is being used to find people who look alike. In this case, Yandex may be more efficient, as it finds social media profiles around the world, while Twin Strangers is restricted to its user base. However, it is important to warn that it is not recommended to contact unknown people through their social networks, even if they are very similar.

Other Yandex platform services

As mentioned previously, Yandex has different features that go beyond searching for images. The platform has a translator with more than 100 languages, an email service and popular games that can be played via the browser, such as Bubble Blast, Block Puzzle, Five Nights At Freddy’s. Check out all Yandex features:

  • Web search engine;
  • Search for images;
  • Search for videos;
  • Online translator;
  • Search by location (map);
  • A translator;
  • Weather forecast;
  • Email;
  • Games.
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